The Nappy Lady Ltd
When It's Gone It's Gone!

Mooncup Menstrual Cup

(4 Reviews)
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Product Details

Mooncup Menstrual Cup Overview

Mooncup menstrual cup is made in the UK by a multi-award winning ethical business since 2002. The Mooncup is the original reusable silicone menstrual cup designed by women to be a convenient, safe and eco-friendly alternative to tampons and sanitary pads.  The Mooncup reusable menstrual cup is our best selling cup and is the cup many people start with and never change from.

The Mooncup is designed to last up to 10 years so you'll be saving money within a few months.


The Mooncup is made from a soft medical grade silicone.

It does not contain:

  • Latex
  • Dyes
  • Perfumes
  • Phalates
  • BPA
  • Toxins
  • Bleach

Who is it best for?

The Mooncup is a perfect cup to start with if you are new to Menstrual cups, it is medium firmness at the rim and the body. It is simple to use and is averagely priced. Mooncup is the cup many people start out with.

The Mooncup is great for women with sensitive skin or allergies and respects your natural balance and maintains a health vaginal environment.  A tampon will absorb 35% vaginal moisture, the Mooncup won't dry you out or leave any fibres behind as it just collects menstrual fluid and you then empty this out.


The Mooncup holds 3 times more than a regular tampon, giving you longer lasting more convenient protection. As it's not absorbent it won't cause dryness on a light day.



Each Mooncup set contains:

  • 1 Mooncup Size A or B
  • Fairtrade unbleached organic cotton storage bag
  • Usage instructions printed on 100% recycled paper

How do I know which size Mooncup to buy?

Mooncup menstrual cup size is related to age and childbearing history as these can affect pelvic floor tone. Size is not related to menstrual flow.

Size Size A  Recommended for those who are 30 and over, and all who have given birth vaginally regardless of age.

Size Size B  Recommended for those under the age of 30 who have not given birth vaginally.

 The difference between the ‘A’ and the ‘B’ is only small (3mm), but it is crucial!


How should I clean my Mooncup?
It is important to always wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling your Mooncup.

To clean your Mooncup during your period:

  • Wash with water, or mild, non-perfumed soap. Always rinse the Mooncup well with water after using soaps as any traces left on the Mooncup may cause irritation.
  • You can use your Mooncup in public toilets! Wash your hands at the sink and take a small bottle of water into the toilet cubicle with you. Remove the Mooncup, tip the contents into the toilet bowl, rinse with a small amount of water and re-insert. If you have not got a bottle of water, then wipe the Mooncup with toilet paper and re-insert. Remember, because the Mooncup collects more menstrual blood than conventional sanitary protection, you will not have to refresh it as often as your would need to dispose of tampons or pads.

To clean your Mooncup before first use and when you wish to clean it more thoroughly you can:

  • Boil it immersed in water for 5-7 minutes (in a pan put aside for this purpose)
  • Use sterilising solution/tablets. These are commonly used to sterilise baby equipment. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for dilution and soak for the minimum recommended time. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Cleaning your Mooncup when travelling

  • When travelling ensure that you use drinking water to clean your Mooncup

Storing your Mooncup between periods

  • Dry your Mooncup thoroughly and store in the breathable cotton bag provided. Do not store in a plastic bag or sealed container.

Can I clean my Mooncup in the microwave?

  • No. We do not recommend that you clean your Mooncup in a microwave as doing this may damage the material.

Can I clean my Mooncup in the dishwasher?

  • No. We do not recommend cleaning your Mooncup in a dishwasher, because the detergent may adversely affect the material and/or your vaginal flora.

How do I remove staining on my Mooncup?

  • You can soak your Mooncup in sterilising solution/tablets, following the manufacturer’s guidelines for dilution and soaking for the minimum time. You can use sodium bicarbonate. Just use a clean damp cloth or a toothbrush with plenty of sodium bicarbonate and rub it on to the stained area. Once you have cleaned your Mooncup rinse it thoroughly with clean water.

You can be assured that the Mooncup® is manufactured in the UK to the highest quality standards – Mooncup Ltd is ISO 13485 certified . ISO 13485 is an internationally recognised standard for the design and manufacture of medical devices. Mooncup Ltd is also registered with the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). Our FDA Facility Registration Number is 3009117944.

Read our guide for full details on how to clean your menstrual cup



Medical Grade Silicone
Capacity to Rim
A 30ml / B 28ml
Capacity @ holes
A 17ml / B 14ml
Stem Length
Overall Length exc Stem
A 46mm / B 43mm
Overall Firmness
Made In
Customer Reviews
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4 Reviews:

Would never go back to disposable sanitary products
20 November 2018  | 

I've used the mooncup for years and love it. I have heavy periods and no longer have the same unpleasant problems with dryness and itching that I used to have with super absorbance tampons. Period pains also seem to be less with moon cup.

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looks good
22 March 2018  | 

Looks an amazing quality, can't say anything about it's performence as still breastfeeding and thus haven't had to use it.
As always brilliant and quick service from the nappy lady!

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Brilliant and comfy
10 April 2015  | 

I have used a mooncup for the best part of 10 years. I find them to be comfy, easy to use and cleaner than any other form of sanitary wear I have used.
They come in two sizes for pre and post birth so fit is good and are easy to clean and store.
It does take a bit of working out and getting used to - making sure that the fit is right inside and it sits correctly (and the odd panic in the first few attempts at removing it!!!!).
It eliminated the back pain of tampons and makes sport so much easier. Add to that the minimal cost and benefits of reduced sanitary product in landfill I cannot reecommend enough.

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19 March 2015  | 

I love my moon cup! It's simple and easy to use and so much nicer than tampons or towels.
It only needs emptying every 4-8 hours so if you are out and about so long as you clean it before u leave there is no need to worry about changing in public loos though if you do need to I try and use a loo with a sink in the same room which seem to be in most resultants these days
You do need to practice a bit when you first get is as I have had the odd leak but this was always down to it not being inserted correctly.
It needs to go back to being fully open once inside and the lower the better
I have had more leaks since having my bubba but a few pelvic floors were in order and after nearly 18 months without use I think I got out of practice!
Still can't recommend this product enough so long as you can cope with the icky bit of emptying and washing it will change your life

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