Airflow Wrap Overview
Mother-ease Airflow is a Unique design wrap that is leak proof but refuses to compromise on breathability!
An advantage of the Air flow nappy covers is that the side-positioning of the poppers gives it a tamper proof fit and makes it virtually childproof! The trouble with Velcro-fastenings, as with disposable nappies, is that your child can easily undo them - and the tougher the Velcro, the more tempting it is for them. You can almost hear them saying “Look, Mummy, a toy on my tummy...” Not all children are manic un-fasteners, but if you have one of those, you’ll find the popper Air flow wraps a far less frustrating option, unless you want your child to wear dungarees on a permanent basis!
As the poppers are at the side of the wrap it is perfect for children with sensitive skin as there is no velcro to catch or snag on. For tummy sleepers there are no poppers at the front of the nappy to press into their skin either!
If you prefer Velcro fastening wraps have a look at the sister wrap the Mother-ease Rikki wrap.
Why is the Motherease Airflow Wrap so good?
The gap between the popper closures increases airflow through the nappy which helps to regulate the temperature inside the nappy. Many families are initially worried that the Air flow will leak due to the gap but there's magic in the Mother-ease airflow cover and believe me it won't leak!
There are no gussets in the wrap which makes the legs holes larger than on other wraps. The legs holes of the airflow are designed to be LOOSE and not fitted snug to the skin. This is again to make the nappy more breathable but also so little legs on the move don't get chaffed. The Airflow is especially good for chubby legs allowing them plenty of room.
It is a very baggy wrap and a roomy fit, it's design somewhat like 'Granny Pants', in comparison with Velcro-fastening wraps, and some people don’t like the “puffball” look. However, that’s one of the reasons why it is so reliable, because there is plenty of room between nappy and wrap, minimising the risk of wicking due to a bit of the nappy sticking out anywhere. That’s also one reason why it is an excellent wrap over the bulkiest of night nappies and the best wrap over traditional terry squares.
Please remember that while they look puffy they do compress down under clothes nicely.
Care of Mother-Ease Wraps
The binding on the Mother-ease wraps are the reason they are so fabulously waterproof so it's important to treat the binding with respect and make sure it can't get caught on velcro etc in the wash.
When washing your Mother-ease wraps place them in a mesh washing bag separate from anything that could catch on the binding like Velcro to keep them in excellent and reliable condition.
Mother-ease have very specific washing detergent requirements please read our washing page so you're aware of the requirements. This usually means that the wraps have to be washed separately to your nappies.
Wraps rarely need to be tumble dried as they air dry so fast however they can occassionally be tumble dried on low in an emergency.
Motherease Airflow Size Guide
The Mother-ease Airflow comes in 5 sizes but most people only need 2-3 sizes birth to potty.
- XS 6-10lbs (trim cut)*
- Small 8-12lbs*
- Medium 10-20lbs
- Large 20-35lbs
- XL 35lbs - 45lbs
- XXL 45lbs+
*Note that the XS/Small sizes poppers towards the front for ease of use when changing a small baby, whereas the larger sizes popper towards the back.
The Mother-ease Airflow features adjustable poppers at both the waist and legs for a secure, tamper-proof fit. The poppers are at both sides of the wrap and there are a number of different settings. Because of the separate leg and waist fastening, it has excellent adjustability for the child whose legs and waist are not in perfect proportion to each other. With a Velcro wrap, if your child has thin legs but a fat waist, the wrap may have to be closed too tightly at the waist to give sufficient containment at the legs, or vice versa. This is not the case with the Airflow wrap.
The Airflow is secured with adjustable poppers at the waist and legs openings and has an air ventilation system between the poppers. This allows for maximum air circulation as baby moves, reducing the risk of bacteria by keeping the temperature of the cloth nappy down. The ventilation system makes it the most breathable PUL wrap on the market by far. You think it somehow “ought” to leak, but I can assure you it doesn’t. Very cunning design.
To use with
The Motherease Air Flow Wrap is pretty much a universal wrap due to it's generous cut and can be used over virtually every modern shaped nappy. However because there is no gusset at the legs, the Airflow is not suitable over prefolds or other fasten-free/ pad folded nappies .... normally. I have known people use it with pad folded prefolds successfully, but only on pretty solidly-built children, because they fill the wrap so much more! It certainly won’t work with your average or skinny child.
Wrap Fabric
PUL - Polyurethelaminate
The Motherease Air-Flow wrap is made of 100% soft brushed polyester with polyurethane laminate waterproof inner.
POP POP Charity Print
The Nappy Lady website is 20 years old on the 30th November 2019 and to celebrate we have worked with Mother-ease to create this beautiful special edition print. There is a very personal story behind this nappy which I'd like to share with you.
Wendy & Pop Pop
The Pop Pop Mother-ease print has been named in memory of my Dad, affectionately known as “Pop Pop” to his three Grandchildren. When I was a young child I heard my Dad call his Dad Pop so I repeated it as Pop Pop and it stuck forever more. When I had my own children my Dad of course wanted to be a Pop Pop too! Even when my eldest got older Dad told him you call me Grandad now if you want but nope it was Pop Pop forever!
Dad was a generous and hardworking man who had a lifelong passion for motorbikes. When he wasn’t at work, he was always found in his shed tinkering about with his beloved classic bikes. What Dad didn’t know about a motorbike wasn’t worth knowing. Growing up there were always people stopping by for his expert help. I had no interest in motorbikes so other than knowing what BSA stands for, I’m no help with your motorbike problems, nappy questions on the other hand I’m your lady! Dad always dreamed of running his own motorbike shop but unfortunately this never happened, so he was delighted in my development of The Nappy Lady.
Dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer in 2014 and underwent aggressive and life changing treatment. He bravely faced each stage and he never gave up hope of a recovery. In 2017 the cancer was back and had spread. After a critical infection he was referred to his local hospice St Raphael’s and was given 48 hours to live. The care St Raphael’s gave him was faultless and for the first time in years his pain was kept under control. Those 48 hours came and went and three weeks later he was discharged. Dad remained under St Raphael’s community care for another six months until he finally lost his battle in early 2018.
Throughout his life Dad loved supporting a variety of charities and arranged fundraising events with his motorbike club. November 2019 was The Nappy Lady’s 20th Anniversary and to celebrate we worked with Mother-ease to create our Pop Pop charity print. £3 from every PopPop airflow wrap is donated to St Raphaels Hospice and we are working towards reaching £30,000 fund raising. Current in April 2021 we are just over halfway at £17,000. You can follow our fundraising journey at The Nappy Lady Just Giving here.