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Smart Bottoms Born Smart 2.0 Newborn AIO
Smart Bottoms Born Smart 2.0 Newborn AIO
Smart Bottoms Born Smart 2.0 Newborn AIO

Smart Bottoms Born Smart 2.0 Newborn AIO

(4 Reviews)
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Product Details

Nappy Overview

The Smart Bottoms Born Smart Newborn 2.0 nappy is an organic all-in-one nappy. It is one of the few all in one nappies that has a cut away area for the cord tie, while this cut away section isn't essential it is a lovely additional feature.

Smart Bottoms at this time aren't a big brand in the UK however when I saw them at a trade show I loved the features of all their nappies and the surge in popularity for hemp nappies is going to make this a popular newborn choice.

As with any all in one i've given it an average containment rating this is based on there only being one layer of elastic in the nappy to keep poo explosions in.  Smart Bottoms born smart all in one is very narrow between the legs which makes a super slim nappy however this also means a narrower explosion zone. If your baby has explosive bowel movements or maybe only goes every couple of days you may find that you struggle with containing all of the poo inside. In this case a two part nappy such as the bimble or bambam and xs motherease wrap would be a far better choice.


Fits 6lbs-12lbs

Smart Bottoms born smart all in one is very narrow between the legs which makes a super slim nappy however this also means a narrower explosion zone.

How do I use it?

The nappy also has poppers on the front of the nappy so you can adjust the length giving you a choice of 4 lengths, again this isn't always a feature with newborn all in ones and gives the nappy an advantage for babies at the lower end of the weight range.

Nappy Fabric

The absorbency of the nappy is made up of 4 layers of organic cotton and hemp sewn in to the nappy and are unremoveble plus there is an additional 4 layer insert attached at one end. The design allows for easy cleaning and quicker drying, with enough absorbency to grow with your newborn.

Material Contents
Outer: 100% Polyester (PUL)
Inner: 45% Cotton (Organic), 55% Hemp

Care Instructions
Wash twice before use.



Drying Speed
Slow - Average
Average - For Newborn
Super Slim
Change Speed
Extremely Quick
Ease of Use
Very Simple
Average (Newborns)
Hemp / Cotton
Day or Night
Day only
Made In
Smart Bottoms
Care & Warranty

Smart Bottoms Care Guide

Use a short cycle using warm water first, to remove as much organic material (pee & poop) as possible. Your main wash should be done at 60C. Use the amount of detergent recommend by the manufacturer for the size load you are washing and make sure the washer has at least a half load of nappies (a full load is usually anywhere from 12-24 nappies, depending on the size of your drum).

Please do not use a detergent that has fabric softeners or excessive artificial fragrances. We have found that the most effective detergents are the ones that contain both enzymes and synthetic surfactants, which usually are both standard in traditional laundry detergents. We suggest you use the amount of detergent recommended by the detergent manufacturer.

Please do not use vinegar as it will deteriorate PUL, TPU and elastics. Regular use of bleach will likely harm the PUL, elastics and natural fibres in your nappies by reducing the integrity of your fabric and causing premature and excessive wearing.

Smart Bottoms Warranty

Smart Bottoms offers a 1-year warranty to the original purchaser only, from date of purchase.

The warranty covers seams that come apart; holes discovered upon arrival; broken, cracked or weak snaps; irregular shrinkage or deformity.

The warranty does not cover staining; fading; repelling; holes or loose top stitching that develop due to wash routine or regular use; relaxed elastic; pilling of natural fibres or accidental damage (items caught, torn or melted in the washer/dryer). These are all considered normal wear and tear and are not covered by the warranty.

Smart Bottoms' decision on any warranty claim is final.

Customer Reviews (4)
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4 Reviews:

So cute!
04 December 2021  | 

Product provided free of charge as part of ambassador role. Views are my own.

Absolutely love the cord cut-out. Really handy if using from birth and works much better than a snap-down. Elastics are all really gentle too.

Nappy gives a great fit in the early weeks. It’s small and narrow between the legs. Whilst absorbency is always better with a two-part system, this is one of my most absorbent newborn AIOs.

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First nappy baby wore
20 September 2021  | 

This was the first nappy our baby ever wore - I love the cord dip which doesn't rub.
We had a big baby and she outgrew this nappy quite quickly but I think it would last well for the "average" sized baby and absorbency is good. We used a fleece liner with this to keep her dry.
Only downside is that it is a little slow to dry.

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Not as good as I was hoping
29 October 2019  | 

I didn’t want to buy too many newborn AIOs as they’re expensive and don’t last long. However, I invested in a couple of these along with Blueberry Newborn Simplex as they’re both advertised as fitting until 16lbs. TNLs description here is correct up to 12lbs is more accurate. We can no longer do this up at 1 month old, the first of our newborn nappies we’ve outgrown. I also have to boost it, I expected a little better from the absorbency

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17 October 2019  | 

They are amazing but a bit pricey for what they are I was looking forward it using reusable nappies but at the price you are charging I am now sure I can afford to buy them

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