The Nappy Lady Ltd
The Nappy Lady Reviews

Velcro fastening nappies

Velcro fastening nappies are also known as hook and loop or aplix. Hook and loop fastening is quick for cloth nappy changes and very simple to use.
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Velcro Fastening Nappies

Hook and Loop, Aplix or YKK are other types of cloth nappy fastening which is similar to the Velcro brand.

There used to be many more Velcro fastening reusable nappies but over the years poppers have become the main choice. Poppers are better for longevity but Velcro is more adjustable and quicker to use especially for a newborn baby nappy.

We offer some of our most popular one size cloth nappies in Velcro and Popper fastening.

Benefits of Velcro Fastening Nappies

  • Fastens just like disposable nappies around baby.
  • Fast and easy to change
  • Even an occassional nappy changer will know how Velcro works and how to use it.
  • Incredibly adjustable. You can get the nappy to fit perfectly
  • Velcro can be replaced by anyone with decent sewing skills making the nappy like new
  • Use of laundry tabs to keep the Velcro tabs clean in the wash.

Brands offering Velcro cloth nappies

Close Parent Pop In Nappy is the most famous birth to potty Velcro one size nappy option. Ideal for slim nappies with very trim Aplix fastening. Available in a wide range of modern cute prints.

Bambino Mio
The Miosolo and MioSupreme are another two popular one size nappies that are all in ones but inside have a pocket to keep the inserts tucked away, the pocket is made of fleece making them a fleece lined nappy. The Miosolo range is also a great cut and design ideal for tall children.

If you are looking for UK made then you can't go wrong with Tots Bots designed and made in Scotland. Tots Bots entire cloth nappy range is made of really strong but soft long lasting Velcro inclulding their one size nappies which adjust the rise by poppers on the front of the nappy and hook and loop at the waist giving you a super fit. Almost every nappy user has had TotsBots in their babies nappy stash, they are an excellent good all round nappy.

The Nappy Lady holds great stock of all of these brands and products.

Velcro Wraps

There are a few more choices in Velcro for nappy wraps for use with a cloth nappy. These include the Motherease Rikki wrap, Kangacare One size wrap and for very large children the Petit Lulu Maxi wrap.

If you are using flat prefolds then the Bambino Mio wrap is designed especially for use with prefolds. The outer wrap dries so quickly parents usually have more inserts than covers.