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Hemp Little LoveBUM Booster
Hemp Little LoveBUM Booster
Hemp Little LoveBUM Booster
Hemp Little LoveBUM Booster

Hemp Little LoveBUM Booster

£4.99  VAT Free
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Product Details

Booster Overview

Hemp Little LoveBUM Boosters are hour glass shaped boosters made from hemp are are used for increasing absorbency in any nappy.   Hemp is a natural fabric that is super absorbent but also very slim.

The Hemp Little LoveBUM Boosters are made of an amazing 4 layers of thirsty fabric. If your little one is a heavy wetter or your nappies aren't as absorbent as you little one needs then the Little LoveBUM boosters will be the solution you are looking for.


Hour Glass shaped. 

Approximately 31cm in length

13cm widest part  of width and 10cm at narrowest point.

Hemp does shrink with first washes but this is factored in the production size.

How do I use it?

Hemp fabric is full of natural oils. Your Little LoveBUM Boosters will need a minimum of 6 washes to reach their maximum absorbency.

Booster Fabric

4 layers of 55% hemp and 45% cotton

Read more about using nappy boosters in our article "how to do you use cloth nappy boosters?


Little Lovebum
31cm x 13cm(longest width) 10cm (shortest width)
Little Lovebum
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