Product Overview
Sanitise your cup or disc on the go
The Saalt Compact Sanitizer allows you to sanitize your menstrual cup or disc anywhere. The Saalt Compant steraliser is designed to be used with most menstural cups and the Saalt Menstrual Disc. It folds down for easy transport. Great to take away with you or store your cup out and about.
How do you use the Saalt Compact Steraliser?
Just boil water, pour, wait 3 minutes, and go. Or fill with water, add your cup/disc, and place directly in the microwave for about 3 minutes (or whenever the water boils). Ta-da! Easy, peasy, best-period-ever.
What is it made from?
The Saalt Compact Steraliser is made from 100% food grade silicone.