The Nappy Lady Ltd
The Nappy Lady Reviews

Donating Cloth Nappies

Donating Cloth Nappies

When you have reached the end of your nappy journey, please don't throw your nappies away!  Your nappies can go on to a new life on more little bottoms, further reducing the environmental impact of their production.

At The Nappy Lady™ we come across families in need of nappies but not the funds to buy them. We have had cases where food banks have contacted us for donations for families. We also regularly get approached by charities for overseas orphanages in desperate need of nappies. 

If you have finished with your nappies, we can sort it out for you. All you need to do is post them to us at the address below and we will make sure they go onto a good home. We do request please that the nappies are in good, working condition - that you would be happy to use yourself! They must have elastics that are still working with good stretch and any waterproof covers must also be intact and not leaking. The charities we work with do not have the resources to repair nappies at this time. If your nappies have reached the end of their useful life, many local authorities will accept them as textile recycling, which would still avoid them from going into landfill.

If you ever come across charities, families, food banks etc that would appreciate donations or reusable nappies please get in touch with me and we'll be happy to try and help.

Address for donations:
The Nappy Lady DONATIONS
Unit C
Linsford Business Park
Linsford Lane
GU16 6DL

The Nest Home

Below are some of the photos we received of our donated nappies being used at The Nest Home in Nairobi. We have supported The Nest Home with a number of donations since 2018, the most recent in November 2023.

babies wearing cloth nappiesthree women opening a case of cloth nappiesbaby wearing a cloth nappyresidents and volunteers at The Nest Home


"We felt overwhelmed when we opened your box this evening. We never anticipated receiving such a quantity of such good quality goods. It was so generous and I assure you everything will be sent in to the rural hospitals in Zambia and Angola. God bless you all."

St Francis Children's Appeal 2024

St Francis Care Home in Glasgow approached us for support for their 2024 Children's appeal . Their appeal was to help families in their local Govan community. The rippling effect from the cost of living has become a day to day coversation for many in the area.  They told us that 44% of children in the area are living in or on the poverty line and this is incredibly heart breaking.  We were able to supply them with reusable nappies and liners to help release some families from being tied to the cost of disposable nappies.  We look forward to continuing to help them on their future appeals.

box of donated nappies


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