Lanolising With A Lanopod

What is a Lanopod?
Poppets Lanopods are the ultimate simple and easy solution for to lanolise wool nappy covers.
Lanopods are an 'all in one' pod that are the perfect blend of lanolin and soap. Just by adding water they are turned into a lanolising solution for new or an existing wool nappy cover.
Poppets Baby Lanopods are gentle on your wool wraps and leave your wool cover water-resistent and smelling divine. Lanopods make wool care ultra simple!
How to use a Poppets Baby Lanopod?
Poppets Baby Lanopods are the simplest way to lanolise wool nappy covers. You can use them to lanolise new covers or after washing. Follow our 'no faff' method below or watch the video for a quick user guide.
- In a jug, pour 100 ml of freshly boiled water over 1 Lanopod.
- Leave for 5 mins stirring occasionally until the solution is milky & fully dissolved.
- Pour the solution into 200 ml of cold water.
- Submerge the wool cover & gently work the solution into the fibres for a few mins.
- Lay wool flat on a large towel & roll up squeezing out excess water
Why do I need to lanolise my wool wraps?
Wool naturally repels dirt and the lanolin neutralises odours and liquids. Due to these natural properties of wool, woollen items only need to be washed occasionally and are just aired in-between washes.
Lanolin on the woollen fibres gets "used up" as it neutralises urine in your nappies. The Lanolin in the Poppets Lanopods replaces this used lanolin, the wool fibres absorb the lanolin and the woollen product is protected again. Lanolin is a very important part of the woollen items self-cleaning power to keep them clean and fresh by only airing.
What is lanolin?
Lanolin is a natural waxy substance produced by sheep to coat its fleece. It helps keep sheep dry & regulates temperature, just like a wool cover will do on your baby. Lanolin is removed from the fleece when processed into wool. By lanolising a wool nappy cover you are simply adding the lanolin & all its properties back into the wool.