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How Can Cloth Nappies Help With Elimination Communication

How Can Cloth Nappies Help With Elimination Communication

What is EC

Elimination communication ec involves using timing, signals and cues to know when babies need to go to the toilet. Instead of wearing nappies, parents and carers hold babies over a potty, the most famous being the Top Hat Potty.

Elimination Communication isn't full potty training because it doesn't involve the baby actively holding their urine or faeces. It's also not about early potty training, instead you're helping your baby eliminate to keep themselves dry and clean. Think of it as baby led potty training. 

Disposable Nappies & EC

If following elimination communication ec then it is best to avoid using disposable nappies (or disposable diapers for our overseas friends)  as they go against the process of EC. Disposable nappies due to their nature hold large amounts of urine and keep a baby or child feeling dry. This lack of feeling wet is thought to be a major contributer to the increased age of potty training being experienced in the West.

Reusable Nappies & EC

Reusable nappies (or cloth diapers for our overseas friends) in contrast do work well to support EC but there are some key features to look for.

  • Ideally the reusable nappy should be a natural fabric such as bamboo, cotton and hemp which allow the child to feel any wetness from misses.
  • Avoid any reusable nappies with a built in staydry liner or fleece liners as these will minimise wet feel the same as a disposable.
  • Choose a nappy with lighter absorbency as with EC you'll be changing straight after any "miss" . Lower absorbency tends to mean quicker drying too.
  • Quick access nappies such as EC specialist nappies or nappies that fasten with Velcro
  • For newborn babies you will usually use the same nappy for day and night time.
  • Use a flat bed protector for nappy free time to catch any "misses"

Reusable nappies work really well with EC even if you are only following it part time. Below are some examples of (non specialist EC) reusable nappies that work well with EC.

Specialist EC Reusable Nappies

We also stock a range of specialist reuasable nappies designed specifically for Elimination Communication. An EC nappy (or cloth diaper) are designed to be lower absorbency so you don't have wasted absorbency and also allows for quicker drying and washing turnaround. EC nappies also allow for ultra quick access for using the potty by the drop flap design. These nappies can be used until your child is ready to potty train and go entirely nappy or backup free. Combine the EC nappies with specialist EC clothing for the ultimate EC combination.

How do I use it?

When you want to put baby on the potty you just pull down the front flap and position them over the potty. Quick and easy access which is needed for EC. 

Petit Lulu Minimal nappy is NOT recommended for nap or night times as the inserts do not hold enough for extended periods of wear where baby would be regularly urinating.

How many do I need?

Depending on how far along your EC journey you are will directly affect how many packs you need. One set kit (1 Minimal wrap and 6 Minimal inserts) is enough for 6 misses with an immediate change every time. That might be a week's worth of nappies for you or it might not get you until lunch time.

At The Nappy Lady we recommend the following for families starting with EC:
1 Set as a trial to see if EC is for you or for a well established EC child who rarely has an accident.

3 Sets as a minimum if you are following EC most of the time.

5 Sets if you are following EC fulltime and have made a definite choice to follow EC.


Potty Options

Top Hat Pottys or a mini potty make pottying a newborn or young baby simple. If baby pees or poops in the potty, it's often called a ‘catch.' A newborn baby can be cradled snuggly over the potty and eventually most they can sit unaided can move to sitting on a potty.

Specialist EC Friendly Nappy Clothing

To compliment your EC nappies here at The Nappy Lady we also stock a variety of clothing that is specially designed for quick access through a split crotch or crotchless trousers.


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